The Customer That Served Himself

SOCIETY: Sitting in the outer part of his shop, his face was deeply buried in his mobile phone, taking away much of his attention. From a distance, you could see him smiling quite broadly, I am told.

The look in his gleaming face, the story went on, could rightly suggest that he was either having a “sweet” conversation with somebody on messenger, or reading some “crazy” post on Facebook or watching a sidesplitting comedy like those of Emmanuella and Paul Flomo. He was enjoying it; his day was going cool, I am told.

It had just drizzled and the ground was still wet and the environment cold this Monday, Aug 12, afternoon. The cloud was getting darker, signaling it would rain anytime soon.

Then, a young man came by and spoke to the smiling shop owner. He responded and asked the young man what he wanted — from the shop. The guy, reportedly in his late teens, requested a cup of tea along with bread and fried egg in it.

The shop owner, meanwhile, laid his Techno Spark 3 phone on a table and entered the inner shop to prepare the tea and bread as requested by his customer, a strange one.
In about two minutes, he reportedly came out with the tea, as the egg was still frying.

The customer was gone! The phone that brought him those wild smiles, was no more. The face that had beamed only about three minutes ago went sour and teary. The scene attracted a number of people in Chicken Soup Factory, as he explained his ordeal. I poked in and got the gees.

So, beware of strange “customers” when you serve.

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