PUL Braces For Fresh Election After 18 Months of  Election Dispute  

On 18 June, the 9th Judicial Circuit Court in Gbarnga, Bong County, set aside the results of the disputed Press Union of Liberia (PUL) elections. The dispute has kept the PUL – a strong advocacy and democratic body – dormant for at least 18 months. While announcing the ruling, the Court mandated seven former leaders of the Union and four “media elders” to clean the membership roll and conduct fresh elections within four months. 

On Wednesday, June 27, the former PUL officials issued a statement in Monrovia, welcoming the court’s decision and announcing their readiness to clean the disputed voter roll and conduct fresh elections. Here’s the full statement.

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ATAF’s Engagements Across Africa Yield Billions In Taxes

By Danicius Kaihenneh Sengbeh

Since 2016, the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) has provided technical assistance that has enabled revenue authorities on the continent to assess taxes amounting to US$4.75 billion and collect US$1.92 billion of these assessed taxes, according to its 2023 Annual Report.

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